"How much would a dust-buster bust,
If a dust buster would bust dust?" - Annonymous The grammatically correct answer to this age-old question would, obviously and
undoubtedly be
lots. (check it yourself) However, sadly, our world does not revolve around grammar in the way it should, and therein lies the inherent flaw in our poetic question. A dust-buster
would bust
lots of dust, if only it would bust dust
at all. Dust-busters (and tragically, their manufacturers ((yes, there are human traitors amongst us)) ) have been
misleading us for all these years. Their name is wrong, because in fact, they don’t bust dust at all! Anyone who has ever tried to suck up dust in one of these fiendish devices would have no doubt soon found that far from
removing the dust from the floor, as it claims to be able to do, it opts instead to
smear it all over the place, and as an added bonus: creates
Dust Bunny Clumps!!! Dust is simply too small for it! These wicked electricity guzzlers are only capable of consuming larger objects. Fine, that’s manageable. Or so you would think. Five minutes before school, you decide to be (just typed “bee”…wow, identity problems) a responsible household member, and do a “spot of quick cleaning.” Alas, it is not to be. The non-dust-busting-dust-buster (which incidentally has probably had more rest than you), having spent the
whole night on the charger, is
still not charged enough to be effective…be ALERT and ALARMED!